Ticketmaster Sucks (and so does Pearl Jam, Taylor Swift, Bruce Springsteen, Radiohead, Beyonce, Metallica…)

ticketmaster sucks

“Ooooh, Ticketmaster Sucks… Tell me something I don’t know!” Okay, smart guy. Everyone knows Ticketmaster is everything that’s wrong with the concert industry, right? Well, maybe just go ahead and forget whatever you think you know about how concerts work because the fact is a lot of people have been lying to you for a very long time. Remember how scalpers used bots to get all the good tickets to the concert you wanted to see? Yeah, that’s not what happened. Remember when Ticketmaster forced your favorite band to add outrageously high fees to every ticket you bought? That’s what you’re supposed to believe but it’s not the truth. Or what about the time your favorite band had no choice but to use Ticketmaster if they wanted to tour in decent venues? Oh, honey… Look, it’ll be okay. If you want to know what’s really going down then just press play. Daddy Mark and Daddy Tyler will get you all sorted out.

