Nickelback Sucks

Nickelback Sucks

In these trying times, it’s important to focus on things that bring us together rather than tear us apart. We need to unite against a common enemy and that enemy is… Nickelback.

At what point do we stop giving our neighbors in The Great White North benefit of the doubt? It can’t be a coincidence that all of the worst music comes from Canada, can it? Rush, Celine Dion, Leonard Cohen. It’s like, what are you people doing up there? You know you’re not supposed to eat the yellow snow, right?

Anyway, once we opened up our Apple Podcast reviews to requests, one band kept popping up again and again. We figured everyone could use a win right now, so… You wanted it, you got: Nickelback Sucks!

P.S. Since we love you so much, we went ahead and filmed the recording session for this one. Watch us on YouTube below!
